Bio charge is a liquid formulation of beneficial Microbial Consortium (BMC) consisting of multiple Bacillus spp. Product contains compatible superior strains of various Bacillus species in a single formulation. The beneficial microbes in the formulation helps to solubilize phosphorus, improves plant immune response, mobilize various micro and macro nutrients, synthesize natural plant growth hormones (PGR’S). Regular use of Bio Charge results in healthy plants with strong immune system resistant to pests and diseases. Continue reading
Active Ingredients
Consortium of Bacillus spp.
Colony Forming Unit (CFU): ≥ 1×1011 per ml
Target Crops
Suitable for all crops
Soil Drenching: Mix 1L of Bio Charge in 100L of water and thoroughly drench entire root systems of the plants.
FYM or Compost Enrichment: Mix 1L of Bio Charge in 1 MT of FYM of Compost and apply to soil.
Drip Fertigation: Mix 1L of Bio Charge in 100L of water and fertigate through drip irrigation.
Foliar Spray: Mix 1 L of Bio Charge in 100 L of water and spray thoroughly covering the entire foliage of plants including stem, under side of leaves and root zone.
Shelf Life
1 years from manufacturing date
Do not mix, Antibiotics, Pesticides and insecticides with the product
Store in a cool dry place away from direct sun light.