Bio Vanish is a biological nematicide based on a superior strain of naturtally – occurring entamopathogenic soil fungi Pochonia chlamydosporia that infects and kills both larvae and adult stage of many plant pathogenic nematodes like Meloidogyne spp., Hetrodera spp., Helicotylenchus spp., Hoplolaimus spp. Bio Vanish is approved for use in Organic agriculture Continue reading
Pochonia chlamydosporia (carrier based) Colony Forming Unit (CFU): 107per gm
Pochonia chlamydosporia (liquid) Colony Forming Unit (CFU): 109per ml
Suitable for all crops
Root – knot nematode, Remiform nematode, Cyst nematode, Burrowing nematode, Lesion nematode and many other nematode species.
Soil Drenching – Mix 1Kg of Bio Vanish in 40L of water and drench the entire root system of the plants.
FYM or Compost Enrichment – Mix 5-10Kg of Bio Vanish in 1 MT of FYM or Compost and apply to soil after 7-10 days.
Neem Cake Enrichment – Mix 1Kg of Bio Vanish in 50Kg of neem cake and apply to the soil after 1 week.
Do not mix fungicides, pesticides and insecticides with the product.
Store in a cool dry place away from direct sun light.